
--- bpepple has changed the topic to: FESCo meeting -- Meeting rules at http://www.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Development/Schedule/MeetingGuidelines -- Init process
* caillon raises hand: Present!
* jwb is here
spot is here
c4chris is here (DST also in Switzerland now...)
jeremy is here
bpeppleFESCo meeting ping -- bpepple, caillon, c4chris, dgilmore, dwmw2, f13, jeremy, jwb, notting, spot, nirik, tibbs, warren
Hi everybody; who's around?
* tibbs here
* jwb is here
warren here
nirik is here.
jwblmacken, you got your ears on?
lmackenjwb: sure
jwb: I just commented on your proposal
bpepplethat being the case. let's start with jwb's proposal.
jwbwiki slow
--- bpepple has changed the topic to: FESCo-Meeting -- Bohdi Proposal - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/JoshBoyer/BodhiAnonymousKarmaProposal - jwb
lmackenhmm.. my save is still saving
jwbi see it
bpepplelmacken: I see it.
bpepple+1 to jwb's proposal.
lmackensorry for the last-minute comments :) but it all sounds good to me
jwb+1 obviously
jwblmacken, i'd really like to break out that first one into a separate proposal.  the last one i could almost consider a bugfix
jwbbpepple, i think that's 7 +1s
bpeppleok, I count seven '+1', so jwb's proposal has been approved.
jwb: yeah.
lmackenjwb: agreed.
bpeppleanyone have anything else to add before moving on?
lmackenI guess I'll implement it ?
jwbif you would be so kind :)
lmackenunless someone else wants to
fine with me :)
bpepplelmacken: cool, thanks.
moving on........
* dgilmore is here
--- bpepple has changed the topic to: FESCo meeting -- Any objection to this week's report from FPC at https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-list/2008-April/msg00231.html
bpeppleFPC has 4 proposals for us to look at.
Let's start with the Java Guidelines.
--- bpepple has changed the topic to: - FPC proposal - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingDrafts/Java
* spot notes that this will lift the hold on Java packages, if approved.
nirik is +1 on all of them... seem fine to me
tibbsUnfortunately overholt doesn't seem to be around.
jwbholy big guideline
tibbsI hope he answered the questions posed in response to my meeting summary adequately.
c4chriswhat were the concerns of the -1 voter on Java ?
tibbsabadger1999: ?
waltersone thing to mention here is I think ville thought we could drop the versioned jars and symlink and just go with unversioned
tibbsI don't know if he's around.
spotwalters: pretty sure those got dropped
abadger1999It was over the way the Java Guidelines point to JPackage.
I think it will be confusing to reviewers.
nottingdo we really want to build for gcj and not openjdk?
dgilmore+1 to the java guidelines
waltersspot: i still see it in the sample spec
tibbsnotting: We kind of have to.
dgilmorenotting: i think so
abadger1999But the Java guys are willing to work on updating that in the near future so *shrug*.
spotnotting: that's covered in http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingDrafts/GCJGuidelines
dgilmorenotting: openjdk  can use the jars
c4chrisabadger1999: k, thanks
+1 java
jwbspot, so gcj can be dropped when F8 goes EOL?
waltersspot: i get a wiki 404 on that
oh, i missed the s
tibbsnotting: Distilling a conference call I was on, there are still architectures which Fedora wants to support which are only properly supported by gcj.
spotjwb: its a SHOULD now, we can certainly drop it entirely in the future.
tibbsThus it is suggested that maintainers make use of gcj so those packages are useful on those arches.
dgilmoretibbs: ive not yet managed to build openjdk for sparc  using the zero arch stuff
waltersone major problem is that gcj will still be using classpath, and that's an entirely different and much less complete class library
* warren is still reading
nottinganyway, +1 to the proposal
bpepple+1 to java guidelines here also.
tibbs+1 (echoing my FPC vote)
bpeppleok, I count eight '+1' to the java guidelines.  It's been approved.
c4chriscool, congrats where due :)
bpeppleanyone have anything else to add, or should we go to the next proposal?
jwblet the java flow
--- bpepple has changed the topic to: - FPC Proposal - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingDrafts/SysVInitScript
jwbwho was the owner here?
* spot was
spotif you thought the java guidelines were long... ;)
warrenkillproc guarantees that it only kills something in the current chroot right?
nottingwarren: it uses pidof -c, so yes
warrenspot, I'm not sure if this is mentioned anywhere here or elsewhere, but we have to be sure that initscripts and rpm scriptlets do not screw with host processes when dealing with chroots.
nirikdoes this mean we can close all those 'please make your init script LSB compliant' bugs as 'not required, thanks anyhow' ?
c4chris+1 SysVInit
spotnirik: yes.
bpepple+1 SysVInit.
jwbis there an upstart specific syntax?
spotjwb: no, those wouldn't be SysV scripts
nottingspot: may want to add a bit on 'you really shouldn't start by default for most things'. aside from that, +1
nirikcool. In any case, +1 to this one as well...
tibbsupstart is something else entirely.
jwbi know that...
spotnotting: it says that in several places
tibbsnotting: That's for another draft, and isn't really an FPC thing.
waltersso wait, is the plan to have everyone edit scripts to follow this standard, and then in F10 move to upstart syntax?
jwbi'm wondering if this is going to be completely irrelevant soon?
spot"Only services which are really required for a vital system should define runlevels here."
walters: i dont think the timeline is F10
walters: also, most scripts won't need any significant changes as a result of this
jwbok, whatever.  +1
tibbsMy understanding is that the upstart syntax isn't even finished.
nirikI suspect most init scripts meet this guideline now... at least most of mine do fine.
waltersspot: ok, so this is just a recommendation for the current system; got it
spotwalters: i did this for two main reasons: 1. to put the LSB nonsense to bed, 2. to standardize existing practices.
waltersyeah, makes sense
tibbs+1, BTW.
spot+1 as well
bpeppleok, I count eight '+1' to the SysVInit guidelines.  It's been approved.
spot(since i wrote 99% of it...)
nirikshould we close our own LSB bugs? or is someone going to mass close them?
tibbsIt's nice to finally have something to which to refer when dealing with those LSB initscript bugs.
spotnirik: please close them on your own
nirikok, fine with me. ;)
--- bpepple has changed the topic to: FPC proposal - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingDrafts/EclipsePlugins
spotnirik: some folks might want to implement LSB headers for whatever reason
f13ok, I'mhere.
nirik+1 to this one (as for all the others. ;)
notting+1. rpmstubby?
spotnotting: think cpan2rpm
nottingyeah, just the name...
* spot shrugs at names
spotif i never have to write anything about package naming ever again... :)
bpepple ok, I count seven '+1' to the Eclipse Plugins guidelines.  It's been approved.
bpepplemoving on to the next proposal....
--- bpepple has changed the topic to: FPC proposal - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingDrafts/GCJGuidelines
spot+1, this is existing practice defined
bpepple+1, since this sorta of ties in to the java guidelines.
nirik+1 here too
bpeppleok, I count eight '+1' to the GCJ guidelines.  It's been approved.
bpepplespot, tibbs: anything else we need to discuss regard FPC?
spotbpepple: not at this time, thanks. :)
tibbsWell, Ville has resigned now that Java has done, so thanks to him.
bpepplespot: great, thanks!
* nirik would like to thank the packaging folks and guidelines submitters... lots of work went into the stuff today... it's great to have it in (especially java)
bpepplemoving on....
--- bpepple has changed the topic to: FESCo-Meeting -- Final Release Schedule (Slip in conjunction w/ latest beta slip?) - all
f13poelcat: ping; any further reports from feature folks?
I took a few minutes this morning to talk to the kernel folks
davej is typically paranoid come release time, but it doesn't appear that bad.
linville has a bunch of wireless fixes he's going to try to get in tonight or tomorrow
poelcatf13: only 2 people responded :(
bpepplef13: freeze in on the 10th isn't it?
f13bpepple: 8th
poelcatnothing earth shaking
5 days to get all features to 100% :)
nottinghow's that blocker list?
c4chriswhat's the general impression after the bittorrent update ?
f13notting: it's not as doomy as in previous releases
there are some upgrade concerns, so this week/next week is "upgrade" week for a few of us
c4chris: seems mostly good, we fixed a number of beta bugs
didn't really introduce any new regressions
jwbi ran an upgrade check this morning
it wasn't horrible
tibbsYes, the list was pleasantly short.
* c4chris thinks we can freeze on schedule
jwbf13, when is final freeze again?
* bpepple agrees with c4chris.
nirikyeah, seems not too bad right now...
jwbf13, ok i'll run the report again on the 5th and 6th
* jeremy is installing Fedora 7 now to test an upgrade from
jwbjeremy, i didn't check 7->9.  i can
nirikdo we want to go in and force updates at some point on those?
jeremyjwb: I'm more wanting to test anaconda's upgrade code a little bit more ... strenuously
f13the broken deps list is pretty short too
jeremymultirelease is effective for that
nirikalso, do we want to force fixes on broken deps before the 8th?
nottinghm, 114 open bugs on the blocker list
f13nirik: I may take a look and find the easy cases, but in some cases there was a pretty big divergence that I wasn't sure of
f13notting: many of those can be culled or are in a needsretest or needinfo state
jwbnirik, i'll be filing bugs on the 6th for packages that still have a broken upgrade path
nottingf13: 17 are modified, 9 needinfo. so still, 88
f13yeah, I haven't been able to get through the full list to find the stupids
bpepplef13: ok, so it sounds like nothing has came up that necessitates a slip.  Right?
f13nothign that I'm aware of
jwbi would agree with that statement
f13everybody would like some extra time, but that's not new
dgilmoreI think we are in good shape
bpeppleanything else to discuss regarding the release schedule, or should we move on?
jeremydgilmore: good might be stretching it
dgilmoreexcept for X acting up on me still
jeremy: im optimistic
f13we have a snapshot working its way out today, that should prove interesting
warrendgilmore, even after -16?
nottingi'm not really convinced we can get the blocker list into a nice state in 4 business days
but hey, if we're still fixing blockers and changing things for two weeks after that...
f13notting: I'd prefer to reserve judgement on that before actually /seeing/ what's on the blocker list
dgilmorewarren: yes
f13notting: given that the blocker tracker is a free for all
nottingf13: ok, then
warrendgilmore, were things fine with -13 or -14?
c4chrisnotting: question is: is there a reasonable chance an additional week will help ?
dgilmorewarren: no
f13which I plan to get to today
nottingf13: x is completely fucking broken on a major intel chipset on both the live and install CDs, and has been for the entire release
warrennotting, which?
dgilmorenotting: probably the one in my laptop
tibbsWho makes the final decision as to which bugs stay on the blocker list?
f13notting: uh... only if you enable compiz right?
dgilmoref13: no
f13notting: 'cause I think I have the same chip as you and it's solid here
nottingf13: no. by default.
dgilmoref13: i dont use compiz
f13tibbs: QA and releng
dgilmoref13: i tried KDE, gnome, XFCE, and fluxbox
f13tibbs: or the owners of the trackers that were attached to the blocker list
nottingf13: there are no less than 5 separate upstart regressions that still need fixed
dgilmoreall acted up
warrennotting, which chip?
nottingwarren: 965
tibbsI'm just making sure we don't need to discuss infividual bugs here.
dgilmorei have a 945
nottingi'm not saying we *need* to slip. but "i don't think we should slip, but i haven't reviewed the blocker list" makes no sense
f13notting: I have the 956 and it's working fine here.
notting: neither does "I have no idea wha'ts on the blocker list, but lets just slip anyway, because it feels good"
nottingwhich is not what i said, and you know it
f13notting: right back at ya.
jwbplay nice and stuff
f13I've reviewed a bunch of the blockers, just not the entire list
and in reality, many of those "blockers" don't meet our release blocker critera
we just leave them on the "blocker" tracker so that they get attention
tibbsDoes FESCo even have the information it would need to make s slip decision at this point?
c4christibbs: I think if releng came saying "please slip" we'd say yes
but it dosnt appear to be the case
bpepplec4chris: or the qa team.
c4chrisso I'm still enclined to stick
c4chrisbpepple: right
warrenhow many of the rawhide package owners are actually using rawhide?
nottingwwoods: you have been strangely silent for this entire discussion
caillonwarren, i'd bet not a large percent
bpepplecaillon: yeah, I'd agreed.
* spot is. ;)
nirik has lots of rawhide boxes, but my main laptop is still f8...
* bpepple is also, but usually on after the alpha release.
* dgilmore is running rawhide
c4chris has one in qemu...
tibbsI always have a rawhide box going.
f13ok, I'm going to make it through the blocker list today.  If anything is really standing out as ZOMG, I'll alert folks and consider requesting a slip.
bpepplef13: sounds good.
f13(hopefully after talking to the developer involved)
nottingf13: can we do this in public somehow? a qa/triage thing?
c4chrisf13: fine with me
niriklooks like about 20 of the bugs are X or X related on the blocker list.
f13notting: uh, you want me to sit on the street corner as I go through the list?
I'm confused as to "public" means here.
nottingf13: maybe i'm nuts, but shouldn't control of the blocker list and raising the 'aiyeee' flag be a QA function?
f13notting: you'd think, yet...
warrennotting, either, me think
bpepplenotting: probably makes sense, but does wwoods have time to do that?
f13bpepple: at the expense of actually testing stuff, maybe
caillonnotting, it should be a pro{ject,duct,gram} management function really...
walterswho's tasked with moving the approved things from /Drafts to /?
caillonnot sure what that equates to in fedora
f13walters: for packaging guidelines?
bpepplewalters: I think spot normally does.
f13walters: spot, or whomever he delegates
waltersbpepple: ok
caillonnotting, since qa might think something is ZOMG but we can be like meh, ship anyway.
f13walters: or the fpc member who brought forth the proposal
tibbswalters: It's already done.
* spot does it, more often than not
walters is looking forward to groovy and jruby in the OS
f13caillon: right, I agree with that.  And outside of FESCo, we don't really have pro* management
nottingcaillon: right. which is why i want to hear from the slient partner of wwoods
caillonof course, the only real way i know of doing that is with flags.  like mozilla upstream does.
and then we get into OMGFLAGS mode
(bugzilla flags that is)
wwoodsoh, ha
here I am off running a bunch of upgrades
* wwoods speedread scrollback
wwoodsyes, F9Blocker is overstuffed with bugs
a *lot* of them are NEEDINFO/MODIFIED and presumed fixed
another big chunk are not actually blocker-level problems
after a couple passes through it I am not panicking
spotwwoods: are there any legal blockers?
wwoods: i'm not currently tracking any
wwoodsthere's two bugs mentioning licenses
bug 419051
and.. oh, the other one's closed
spoti'll look into it today
poelcatthere is also https://bugzilla.redhat.com/showdependencytree.cgi?id=438772
wwoodsAssuming assurances from ajax etc. that intel etc. are shaping up
and some work on the mkinitrd-chooses-wrong-ld.so thing
I think we might be OK
bpepplewwoods: sounds good.
wwoodsfor the record, blockers are determined by http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/ReleaseCriteria
wwoodsthere's also http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/TestPlans/Fedora9Install - tier#1 and tier#2 should correspond to ReleaseCriteria itmes
assuming we did this right
warrenwwoods, bug # on the mkinitrd issue?
wwoodswarren: bug 440091
bpeppleanyone have anything else to add about the release schedule, or are we ready to move on?
c4chriswhere's that robot that triggered on bug numbers ?
bpepplec4chris: seems to have died.
--- bpepple has changed the topic to: FESCo-Meeting -- Features Completion - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/9/FeatureList - poelcat
wwoodsbuggbot? might be off havin' a smoke
bpepplepoelcat: do you need help poking folks to complete (100%) their feature pages?
poelcatPLEASE :)
bpeppleI'm taking off tomorrow from work, so I can help out.
c4chrisI see a 25%...
bpepplec4chris: I think that has been dropped already.
poelcatsomone was going to followup on that a few weeks back
i don't believe it was officially dropped
poelcatbpepple: i'll send out another mass email to individ owners and cc fesco
warrenpoelcat, do I call it 100% if I have all features except some are broken?
caillonpoelcat, we might want to re-add swfdec to the feature list...
poelcatabout apr-08 freeze
warren: you call it 100% if everything listed on the feature page is done :)
thus, adjust the page as necessary
poelcatcaillon: bpepple removed it
bpepplecaillon: yeah, since we weren't installing it by default, I didn't really think it qualified as a feature.
caillonright, that was based on a board decision that was subsequently reversed.
(or so i thought)
bpepplecaillon: I don't think the board reversed their decision, but truthfully who knows?
poelcatnothing has been communicated to me about swfdec being back on the feature list
bpeppleas far as I'm aware codeina is still orphaned.
warrenpoelcat, is text from the feature page used in the release notes?  if so, which part?
* warren will have to rewrite it.
caillonbpepple, it's back in
bpepplecaillon: wasn't aware it had been put back in/
nirikit's currently showing as orphaned still... hadess hasn't picked it back up
caillonbpepple, the minutes from the board's irc meeting tuesday is public already.
poelcatwarren: yeah, the section called "release notes" is used by the docs people ;-)
warren: i *think* they watch the feature pages too
bpepplecaillon: I'll have to go read it.  thanks.
poelcatbpepple: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Board/Meetings/2008-04-01
* poelcat hasn't had a chance to summarize discussion eyt
bpepplepoelcat: don't worry about it,  I still haven't had time to summarize last week's FESCo meeting.
* c4chris has gotta leave in a few minutes...
c4chrisI guess the list should be checked right after the freeze, and pruned accordingly
bpepplec4chris: agreed.
poelcat: anything else in regard to features?
poelcatbpepple: that's all
bpepplepoelcat: great, thanks!
--- bpepple has changed the topic to: FESCo meeting -- Free discussion around Fedora
c4chrisgotta go.  Later folks.
* caillon notices a fair number of packages with .fc7 and .fc6 disttags that failed gcc43 rebuild
bpeppleWe're about 6 weeks from our election, so we need to send out a message about getting candidates for the election.
I'll work on this over the weekend unless someone else wants to.
nirikbpepple: and we are going to move down to 9 seats, right? and everyone up?
bpepplenirik: correct.
caillonyeah, that's the plan
spotcaillon: if you have a list, put them up somewhere, i can start poking them with sticks
* nirik will ponder on re-running or not...
bpepplenirik: I started to update the election rules, but someone else should give them a read to make sure it makes sense.
caillonspot, i don't but it would be pretty easy to generate that
jwbare we doing range voting?
or, rather, are we changing the style of the vote itself?
bpepplejwb: I think so, but should verify that against our election policy page.
jwbcause i get all confused with that stuff
bpeppleBefore I send out the announcement, I send a quick note to the FESCo list with the appropriate links to make sure everything is copacetic.
anyone have anything else, or should we wrap up for this week?
* dgilmore has nothing
* bpepple puts a fork in the meeting.
bpepple will end the meeting in 60
bpepple will end the meeting in 30
bpepple will end the meeting in 15
bpepple-- MARK -- Meeting End
Thanks, everyone!

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